Sacred Feminine

Elemental Alchemy

A 5-week manifestation & magnetism accelerator for women on the rise.

with Liya Garber

New Moon to New Moon

November 13th to December 11th, 2023

Live video calls on Mondays

9:30am-11am PST via Zoom

With recordings.

Open to all women + non-binary folks.

Dive into a 5-week transformational journey through the elements. Empower your divine creative force and feminine wisdom as you learn ancient and modern tools to magnetize and manifest your dream reality while cultivating inner peace.

Hey Sister, I see you...

You are a powerful being, full of love, ideas and inspiration.

You have so much beauty to offer the world, and it is your birthright to live a meaningful, soul-aligned and abundant life.

And yet… something isn’t flowing.

Even with all your passion to create, to change your life for the better, or to make meaningful impact with your soul’s mission in the world…

Something feels stuck or stagnant. 

Perhaps you feel like you’re still surviving instead of THRIVING.

Well, I’ve been there, and I understand just how frustrating and disheartening that can be. 

And I can also tell you that this…this is actually good news!

This means that you are truly READY...

You are ready to become a more empowered, masterful alchemist of your reality. 

You are ready to explore and awaken more of your feminine gifts and inner wisdom.

You are ready to expand into new dimensions of yourself as you harness your creative force to uplevel your life and feed your soul mission.

This is the moment... Are you ready to dive in?

Beautiful, it's time

for you to...

  • embody the powerful, wise being that you are destined to be in this lifetime.

  • redefine your connection to money, prosperity and the material world.

  • learn ancient secrets of elemental alchemy to uplevel your creative potential.

  • build and fortify your inner temple so that you can bring healing energy to your life and the world.

  • expand your capacity to become a vibrational match for your powerful visions and dreams.

  • connect with a global sisterhood in a grounded container to support your mission.

  • stop blocking yourself with old stories and write your own epic tale of magic.

  • cultivate yourself as an open channel for your sacred creations and the frequency of divine love.

"After joining Liya’s Womxn’s Accelerator I am in the healthiest place I have ever been. I have found self-love, self-knowledge, and self-acceptance. I am eternally grateful to Liya for accelerating my emergence into beautiful, blissful alignment with myself and the Universe." -Elizabeth

This journey is for you if you...

Desire to up-level your entire life – business, relationships, inner alignment, and overall wellbeing.
Feel ready to claim your power as a creative being on the planet and bring this life force to create positive change in yourself and in the world.
Feel ready to heal your relationship with your womb to harness her wisdom and ancient power.
Feel ready to receive and learn powerful magic tools that will shift the direction of your life for the highest good.
Ready to clarify and revolutionize your relationship with money as a form of sacred energy.
Feel ready to feel wholly worthy to hold your own creations with inner strength, trust and clarity.
Desire to learn special rituals and practices to increase magnetism and true abundance.
Desire more clarity around your soul purpose and unique legacy as well as how to bring them more fully alive.
Desire to ground in positive habits to live each day with clear intentions and divine alignment, supported in all ways.
Excited to prioritize your intuitive gifts and spiritual life as you learn mystical secrets of integrating spirit and matter to create and thrive.

Meet Your Guide

Hi, I’m Liya, a Kundalini Yoga teacher, women’s empowerment coach, and mother. I have supported women to rise into their power, purpose and prosperity for the last 20+ years.

Before I founded Aura in 2019, I…

Immigrated to the U.S. at 19 years old to start my life over, traveled the world as a spiritual seeker & nomad, practiced conscious pregnancy, birthed a beautiful child at home, and deepened in awakened parenting.

Why I created this program...

The pain we see in the world right now – degradation of the earth and waters, immense inequalities, unjust systems, and divisions between peoples – is a result of thousands of years of feminine disempowerment and oppression.

Therefore, we now find ourselves in a critical moment. A moment where the sacred feminine is once again gaining momentum, respect and a voice.

Yet though we have seen great changes, the world is far from true balance.

And what's more, most women have inherited ancestral and cultural programs that perpetuate this same oppression and disempowerment within our very minds and bodies.

So, as one of the fundamental hermetic principles reminds us...

As above, so below. As within, so without.

This means that your inner work and sacred path directly impacts the collective.

Right now all women are being called to reclaim and uplift the feminine within themselves and one another to restore this divine, sacred energy to the world.

This 5-week journey is an opportunity to dive into ancient mystical teachings for harnessing your sacred feminine life force and creating with the elements as a pathway of healing and empowerment.

For as women heal, we heal the world.

My Mission

I am here to use Kundalini Shakti energy to support as many women on the planet to reprogram their past belief systems and heal their lineage patterns so they can set themselves FREE – free to grow, expand and create their lives from their powerful, unique goddess essences.

Through Kundalini Yoga, sacred feminine teachings, mystical ritual and earth wisdom, I am here to empower you to create massive impact and lasting change for the next generations and all the world while living the life of your dreams.

This Accelerator comes at a time when we most need women to rise up within themselves and the world, to offer their gifts and co-create a better world together.

Will you join me to empower the sacred feminine within yourself and all over the world?

In This Potent 5-Week Accelerator, you will:

Learn practices to magnetize a prosperous, soul-aligned reality with Kundalini energy.

Nourish, heal & harness the power of your womb space and creative life force.

Connect & learn to create with the power of the five elements, which is your human birthright.

Explore high alchemy through earth ritual, Kundalini Yoga, Kabbalah, Tarot and other mystical teachings.

Journey with a supportive community of inspiring women on a similar path as you uplift one another in true sisterhood..

Activate your confidence to live your purpose & claim your destiny.

“This program through Liya's own bright energy and trained techniques is a beautiful experience. The course has helped me get clear on changing directions in my career, prosperity, and mindset - all three of which I wanted to work on during this course.  This program provides tools you can use daily for the rest of your life that can help ground and center you. 

- Katie

The Inner Temple is Everything We Have


This program is a unique alchemical experience that is tailored to the group's energy. This life accelerator is a weekly LIVE, interactive, recorded program.

I can't wait to create magic with you!

Program Details

November 13th to December 11th
(New Moon to New Moon)

Every Monday via Zoom

9:30am PST - 11am PST

Lifetime Access to Session Recordings

Can't make a class or want to review? Get the recordings in your inbox each week and access them for life.

Five potent 90-minute sessions with Liya.

Start every week with a powerful attunement and activation to explore and alchemize with a different element.



Support Group

Daily support to stay on track with your progress, connect with other women, and receive feedback on your ideas and creations.

Our Weekly Sessions

For each week, Liya will share on a different element. She'll offer a Kundalini Yoga practice as well as practices and rituals for how to engage with the element for alchemy, including fundamental teachings on Tarot, Astrology and Kabbalah.

As you journey through the weeks, you will build a toolkit and embodied understanding of how these elements work in your life and can work with you to create your reality.


Monday, November 13th

We will begin our journey by connecting with Earth. This is the realm of manifest form. In Earth we root into the material plane and see our visions come into fruition.

As we anchor into Mother Earth, we also root and ground into our own bodies. Here we empower our relationship with the world of form and structure.


Monday, November 20th

This week we will dive into the wisdom of Water as we nurture self-love and explore potent womb practices for healing.

Here we tap into our emotional intelligence, clear whatever is blocking energy flow, and harness the power of the loving heart.


Monday, November 27th

With the power of Fire, we are invited to connect with the luminous Sun and light energy within and all around.

This week we'll connect with the many ways Fire can be used to support the spiritual journey and practices of manifestation. We'll also explore how to work with Fire responsibly.


Monday, December 4th

At the element of Air, we begin to rise out of density and connect with a more intangible realm.

Air is related to the mind and thoughts, so this week we will work with practices to come into clarity and expand our consciousness to connect with divine intellect. This is an essential part of being a conscious creator.


Monday, December 11th

Ether is the fifth element, the most intangible and mysterious. Ether connects us to the "space beyond", a realm beyond thought and concept, beyond form, beyond time.

Here we connect to Divine Creative Consciousness and pure potentiality as we are welcomed into a co-creative relationship with Mystery.

Are you ready to alchemize & create with the ancient power of the elements?

At the end of these 5 weeks, you will…

  • Feel more alive and empowered to create the life of your dreams.

  • Have a bundle of alchemical tools and practices to help you continue to integrate lasting change & growth.

  • Experience more sovereign alignment with your soul and ancient knowing.

  • Feel more connected in body, heart and mind as you walk through the world in a vibration of wholeness and truth.

  • Feel more connected to the elements and all life on an embodied path of sacred living.

  • Be able to more easily shift your frequency to magnetize and manifest in alignment with your soul truth.

  • Emerge anchored to the transformative power of the sacred feminine as a force to transform your life and the world.

  • Feel confidence to take actions in life, relationships & business as guided by your intuitive feminine gifts & womb wisdom.

  • Emerge with a deep feeling of support on your path.


Total Cost $444

Payment Options Available

1 Time Payment


2 Months


Extra Bonuses

1 Free Workshop
with Liya

(value $55)

Attend any Aura workshop – online or in-person – FREE.

Valid for one year (through end of November 2024).

"Golden Life Wisdom" Manifestation E-Book Guide from Celestine Starr

(value: infinite!)

This is a very special gift from the late, great Celestine Starr, whose legacy lives on in this work.

"Working with Liya ... has changed my life, transformed it into one I could not have dreamed of. Liya's coaching helped me get “unstuck” and find purpose, fulfillment, and peace in my life and in my mind. Liya helped me manifest the job of my dreams, one that is perfectly aligned with me allows me to find balance and harmony with my family life and my soul. She not only helped me manifest this career but continues to help me find my voice in my new role.

...Her compassion and guidance helped me to be centered and to manifest my creative energy in the most wonderful way during a challenging and overwhelming time."

  • - Eirene

I'll See You There!


How is this different from your workshops and previous accelerator?

While other Accelerator programs have been 12-weeks, this program is a 5-week journey that specifically focuses on manifestation teachings and practices with the sacred elements. You will get a chance to focus deeply on the elements and take this wisdom and tools with you for life.

Is this program for business women?

Business women certainly will benefit from this program, but it is truly for every woman! This journey can support you no matter where you are in your life or what you want to create, whether that be related to business, art, better relationships, money, a vacation, etc.

What will each live session include? 

Each 90-minute call will include a mix of lecturing by Liya, Kundalini Yoga and meditation, ritual practices, journaling, and group sharing.

Is there anything included outside the live calls?

Yes! Each week you will be offered soulful "homework" to work with the element of the week outside class. Liya may offer ritual, journaling, body care or other practices that are optional. You will also be part of a private Whatsapp group with the other women in the program and Liya for added support and connection between sessions.

You'll also receive the bonus of one free workshop with Liya during the 5-week journey!

What if I can’t make a call or only come for part of a class? 

No problem, recordings will be available, but we encourage everyone to try to make as many calls as possible in order to connect to each other and share with others.

Will any of the sessions be Kundalini Yoga classes? 

Liya will include Kundalini Yoga within some of the sessions, but for a full yoga class you can join an Aura Kundalini Yoga class, schedule is here

Do I need to already practice Kundalini Yoga or energy healing?

Not at all. Liya has a beautiful way of teaching that feels supportive for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. The interactive nature of the calls and private group Whatsapp can help with any questions. Come as you are!

Do I have to come in with a clear idea of what I want to create or manifest in my life?

No, you don’t need to come in with clarity, though if you have some, that’s great too! Part of our journey will focus on cultivating clarity. This is a mystical journey into your creative power, so come as you are and all will unfold perfectly.

When will the accelerator take place?

We gather on Zoom, Mondays from 9:30am PST - 11am PST, from November 13th to December 11th. (New Moon to New Moon)